Get started in 5 steps:
You can access Daxium-Air by entering in your browser:
After entering your username and password, you arrive on the home screen
The context menu on the left allows you to navigate through the different features:
Home redirects to the page visible above
Files allows you to manage the files completed by users
Tasks allows you to manage user tasks
Help provides access to online documentation
Creating a form
To access the form creation page, you must first click on the setting icon below:
This gives you access to various settings menus, including the "Data and Forms" and the "Form Builder" sub-menu, present on the left as well as in the center of the page:
After clicking on "Form Builder", you can click on "New" :
The first step is to name the form at the top right. A form is made up of fields of different types. You can drag the desired field into the frame in the position you want or press the little “+” when you hover over the field with the mouse, it will then be added after the others.
The 3 categories of fields are as follows:
Presentation allows you to show the same information on all the cards (a title, a logo or static text)
Data allows the user to enter information, the type of which has been chosen (telephone, number, date, etc.)
Data restitution allows you to show information that is deduced from the data previously entered by the user
The « system name » of the fields is what identifies the field in the system, it must be unique within a form and related forms. It is used in reports, conditions and adjustable parameters depending on the content of the fields (emailing for example).
The « wording » is what the user sees. user, on the web or on mobile.
The “permissions ” are divided into 3 parts:
VISIBLE allows you to display or not a field in the mobile or web form but it will always be visible on the form configuration page where we are
EDITABLE allows the user to modify the value of the field
REQUIRED will require the entry of the field in the form to save it
We have created a form with multiple fields. You will find examples below: Title: wording which will be displayed in bold and in a larger font
Date allows the user to select a date. It is possible to choose the format: either “Date only” or “Date and Time”
Text allows the user to enter text. If, for example, you check "Barcode scan", the user will be able to click an icon available next to the text field, which will open their camera and allow them to scan a barcode. The barcode value will be entered in the text field.
List allows you to select one or more choices from a drop-down list
You can select an existing list or create a new one by clicking on the “+” button:
Once your form is complete, you can save it:
“Activate” the form will allow users to get the latest version of the form:
Creating a user
Click on the “Settings” icon below:
Then, click on the “Users” menu, available on the left and in the center:
To create a new one, click on “+ New”:
For information, the connection details are the email address and password.“Allowed to connect”: checking this box is essential, it allows the user in question to be able to connect“Subscription” is a drop-down menu to select a license order, it is also essential to complete this field“Administrator” gives administration rights on the web platform and connection rights on the mobile application“Mobile User” gives connection rights to the mobile application.“Reader/Contributor User ” gives the rights to connect to the web platform for consultation/creation of files entered by users.
Install the mobile application
The Daxium-Air application is available on the PlayStore and the AppStore. Once downloaded and installed, open the application and log in:
Creation of file on mobile
Once in the home menu, click on “New Submission” to access the form(s) created:
Once your file is saved on your mobile, you can view it on the web: